Plastic Surgery - Pediatric Section
Header Area Plastic Pediatrics

Conditions We Treat
Our surgeons treat the full spectrum of plastic surgery problems, and have individual expertise
and experience treating common and rare conditions. Below are examples of conditions we
and experience treating common and rare conditions. Below are examples of conditions we
- Maxillofacial trauma
- Facial reconstruction
- Skin and soft tissue tumors or lesions
- Microsurgical facial reanimation
- Hemangiomas
- Angiofibromas
- Anotia
- Apert Syndrome
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
- Binder Syndrome
- Birthmarks
- Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injuries
- Breast and Chest Wall Disorders
- Cauliflower Ears
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Complex Cutis Aplasia
- Congenital Nevus (Mole)
- Constricted/Lop/Cup Ears
- Craniosynostosis
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Cryptotia
- Deformational Plagiocephaly
- Dermoid Cyst
- Ear Deformities
- Ear Hemangiomas
- Ear Injuries and Split Earlobes
- Ear Keloids
- Ear Tags
- Encephalocele
- Facial Motion Disorders
- Facial injuries
- Facial fractures
- Facial asymmetry
- Fat Atrophy
- Fibrous Dysplasia
- Ganglion
- Glomuvenous Malformations
- Hemangiomas
- Hemifacial Microsomia
- Hemihyperplasia
- Lymphatic Malformations
- Micrognathia
- Microtia
- Muenke Syndrome
- Nevi
- Non-syndromic Craniosynostosis
- Opitz Syndrome
- Orbital Hypertelorism
- Oromandibular Limb Hypoplasia
- Parry-Romberg Syndrome
- Pfeiffer Syndrome
- Pierre Robin Syndrome
- Port Wine Stains
- Protruding Ears
- Pyogenic Granulomas
- Rare Craniofacial Clefts
- Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome
- Scleroderma
- Spider Angiomas
- Stahl’s Ear
- Stickler Syndrome
- Syndactyly
- Syndromic Craniosynostosis
- Thumb Duplication
- Thumb Hypoplasia
- Tongue-based Obstruction
- Treacher Collins Syndrome
- Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb
- Van der Woude Syndrome
- Vascular Anomalies
- Vascular Malformations
- Vascular Malformations: Combinations and Syndromes
- Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
- Venous Malformations